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Suggested Reading List

Bickmore, L. & R. Christiansen.  (2010).  'Who will be the inventors? Why not us?': Multimodal composition in the two-year classroom.  TETYC: 230-242.


David, J. (2008).  What research says about project-based learning.  Educational Leadership 65: 80-82.


DeVoss, D.N. (2013).  Understanding and Composing Multimodal Projects.  Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.


Dreon, O. (May 2011).  Digital storytelling: A tool for teaching and learning in the YouTube generation.  Middle School Journal 42(5): 4-9. Print.


Edwards-Groves.  (January 2011).  The multimodal writing process: Changing practices in contemporary classrooms.  Language and Education 25(1): 49-64. Print.


Fraiberg, S. (2010).  Composition 2.0: Towards a multilingual and multimodal framework.  College Composition and Communication 62(1): 100-126.


Gabel, D. (August-September 2011).  Down. to earth digital storytelling.  Library Media Connection: 24-27. Print.


George, D. (2002).  From analysis to design: Visual communication in the teaching of writing.  College Composition and Communication 45(1): 11-39.


Gratigny, J. (2009, September 1).  "What is digital storytelling?" [Video file].  Retrieved from


Healy, A. (2008). Multiliteracies and Multimodal Education.  Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Print.


Hsieh, S.W., Y.R. Jang, G.J. Hwang, & N.S. Chen. (2011).  Effects of teaching and learning styles on students' reflection levels for ubiquitous learning.  Computers and Education 57(1): 1194-1201.


Hundley, M. & T. Holbrook.  (2013).  Set in stone or set in motion?  Multimodal and digital writing with preservice English teachers.  Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy: 500-509. Print.


Jones, L.A. (2010).  Podcasting and performativity: Multimodal invention in an advanced writing class.  Composition Studies 38(2): 75-91. Print.


Kajder, S.G. Bull, & S. Albaugh. (2005).  Constructing digital stories.  Learning and Leading with Technology 32(5): 8-10.


Lambert, J. (2006).  Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community.  Berkeley, CA: Digital Diner Press.


Leopold, L. (2010).  Digital media stories for persuasion.  Communication Teacher 24(4): 187-191.


Love, M. (2007).  Composing through the performative screen: Translating performance studies into writing pedagogy.  Composition Studies 35(2): 1-30.


Menezes, H. (2012).  Using digital storytelling to improve literacy skills.  IADIS: 209-301.  Print.


Reed, Y. (2008).  No rubric can describe the magic: Multimodal designs and assessment challenges in a postgraduate course for English teachers.  English Teaching?: Practice and Critique 7*3): 26-41.


Robin, B. (2008).  Digital storytelling: A powerful technology tool for the 21st-century classroom.  Theory into Practice 47(3): 220-228.


Sadik. A. (2008).  Digital storytelling: A meaningful technology-integrated approach for engaged student learning.  Education Tech Research Development 56: 487-506. Print.


Sheneman, L. (2010).  Digital storytelling: How to get the best results.  School Library Monthly 27(1): 4042.  Print.


Shipka, J. (2005).  A multimodal-task-based framework for composing.  College Composition and Communication 57(2): 277-306.


Shipka, J. (2009).  Negotiating rhetorical, material, methodological, and technological difference: Evaluating multimodal designs.  College Composition and Communication 61(1): 343-366.


Strasma, K. (2007).  Assignments by design.  TETYC: 248-263.


Sylvester, R. & W. Grenidge. (2009).  Digital storytelling: Extending the potential for struggling writers.  The Reading Teacher 63(4): 284-295.  Print.


Tremel, J. & J. Jesson.  Podcasting in the rhetoric classroom.  Currents in Electronic Literacy 10: 37-42.


Xu, H. Park, Y. Baek. (2011).  A new approach toward digital storytelling: An activity focused on writing self-efficacy in a virtual learning environment.  Educational Technology and Society 14(4): 181-191.




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